Here's looking at you, kid: Little June-Junior is recovering well in the unit
April and June-Junior cause mischief in the Infant Care Unit at the Bukit Merah island wildlife reserve
Three-month-old June-Junior is hooked up to monitors and IV drips
Abandoned: Eleven-month-old April was rejected by her mother
Hitting the bottle: Baby June-Junior feeds from her bottle just like a human
Dressed in a nappy, 10-month-old April chews her cot and makes faces at June-Junior
The orang-utans get all the comforts of a hospital, including nappy changes, left, and even cuddles, right
Playmates: April and June-Junior like to have fun together in their cots
Nap time: One of the centre's cute residents gets some shut-eye
Infant orang-utans like June-Junior are examined regularly. They will later be prepared for release into the wild