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Blue Screen pada PC ???

The sight makes many computer users tremble: the BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death). Chances are that if you've used Windows for a while, you have, at one point or another, encountered the BSOD. Even Bill Gates had the misfortune of seeing a BSOD on his computer screen during his Windows 98 presentation at Comdex Spring 1998.

The BSOD is one type of Windows error message. Unlike the error message shown in the last article, the BSOD is a full-screen error message. With its bright blue background and white text, the BSOD is hard to miss. Sometimes it signals that an individual program must shut down. Other times, the BSOD indicates that the error is so grave that the entire system must shut down.

The BSOD exists in Windows 3.1/9x/Me. You will also find something very similar to a BSOD in Windows NT/2000/XP. These more recent OSes have an error message called a STOP message that looks similar to and has many of the same elements as a BSOD.

Various types of errors may cause a BSOD. For example, a bad device driver, a hardware conflict, or even an error in the Registry may prompt a BSOD. One of the most common causes of a BSOD is that Windows can't boot from the hard drive. Corrupted data on a hard drive can cause a BSOD, as can the installation of incompatible memory modules.

The most common type of BSOD is a fatal exception error, an error that forces the current application to shut down. This happens when an unexpected event, or exception, occurs. If no code exists to handle the exception, the program cannot proceed, and Windows will display a fatal exception error message. For more information about fatal exception errors, see "The Fatal Exception Error: Deciphering Processor Exception Codes" on page 152.

With so many possible causes, it helps to understand the parts of a BSOD and its language so you can diagnose the problem.

Type Of Error.
The first part of a BSOD tells you what type of error occurred. In most cases, the error is a fatal exception error, an error so great that it requires that the offending program close.

Error Code.
This two-character DOS code ranges from 00 to 0F. It provides further information about the type of error that occurred. In this example, 0D indicates a general protection fault, an error that is unique and does not meet the definition of any of the other fatal exception types.

Memory Address.
This string of characters is the memory address. It tells you the precise location of the error in the system memory.

Location Of Error.
Here, the BSOD tells you where the error occurred. In this error message, we can see that the problem occurred in a VxD (virtual device driver), a file that manages memory to ensure that programs don't access the same devices simultaneously.

Offending Device Or Program.
This is the name of the device, program, or file that prompted the error. In this message, the BSOD tells us that the VFD (virtual floppy disk) caused the error.

Message Body.
After the technical information, the BSOD briefly describes, in plain English, what action you should take (or what action will be taken automatically). In the pictured BSOD, because a fatal exception error occurred, the program cannot continue. The BSOD explains that the application will shut down.

Response Mechanism.
Finally, the BSOD offers at least one response mechanism. In this error message, there are two response mechanisms. First, you can press any key to exit the offending program but continue working. This gives you a chance to save open documents before you restart your PC. Second, you can press CTRL-ALT-DELETE to immediately restart your PC. by Kylee Dickey

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