Rakyat Libya Merayakan Hari Kemerdekaan (V-day)

Spoiler for Berita Luar Negeri tentang Kematian Khadafi
Muammar Gaddafi killed as Sirte falls

Muammar Gaddafi has been killed after National Transitional Council fighters overran loyalist defences in the toppled Libyan leader's hometown and final stronghold of Sirte.

But questions remained on Thursday over the circumstances of Gaddafi's death as footage appeared to show he had been captured alive, following an apparent attempt to flee the besieged coastal city in a convoy which came under fire from French warplanes and a US drone aircraft.

Other footage showed Gaddafi's lifeless and bloodied body being dragged along a road.

"We have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Muammar Gaddafi has been killed," Mahmoud Jibril, the de facto Libyan prime minister, told reporters on Thursday in Tripoli, the capital.

Asked what would be done with Gaddafi's body, he said: "It doesn't make any difference, as long as he disappears".

Jibril said Gaddafi had been shot in the head "in crossfire" between his supporters and NTC fighters after his capture.

"He was alive up to last moment, until he arrived at hospital" in the town of Misrata, Jibril said.

After his death, Gaddafi's body was reportedly transferred to a mosque in the city.

Spoiler for Berita Dalam Negeri tentang Kematian Khadafi
VIVAnews - Dewan Transisi Nasional Libya (NTC) mengumumkan bahwa mantan pemimpin Libya, Moammar Khadafi, tewas tertembak di kampung halamannya, Sirte, Kamis 20 Oktober 2011. Dilaporkan, Khadafi tertembak di beberapa bagian tubuhnya.

Dilansir dari kantor berita Reuters, sebelumnya juru bicara NTC Abdel Majid Mlegta mengatakan Khadafi tertangkap dan ditembak di kedua kakinya pada Kamis dini hari. Kala itu, kata Mlegta, Khadafi yang berada dalam konvoi berusaha kabur ketika pesawat NATO menyerang.

"Dia juga tertembak di kepala. Iring-iringannya dihujani tembakan dan dia tewas," katanya.

Berita kematian Khadafi disambut gembira oleh warga Libya di Tripoli. Mereka meniup terompet dan menembakkan peluru ke udara. "Ini adalah kemenangan bagi rakyat Libya," kata Menteri Penerangan NTC, Mahmoud Shammam, dilansir dari CNN.


Obama: Rezim Khadafy Telah Usai!

WASHINGTON, KOMPAS.com — Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama, Kamis (20/10/2011), menyatakan bahwa kematian Moammar Khadafy merupakan kesempatan yang sangat penting bagi Libya dan bagi penderitaan panjang rakyatnya.

"Anda telah memenangkan revolusi Anda sendiri," kata Obama.

"Salah satu diktator terlama di dunia sudah tak ada lagi," lanjutnya.

Obama mengklaim, tak perlu ada lagi upaya darinya kepada AS. Ia justru menyambut sukses usaha NATO yang telah lama direncanakan untuk melindungi warga sipil Libya.

"Bayangan hitam tirani telah tiada," kata Obama dari Gedung Putih.

"Dengan inilah rakyat Libya kini memiliki tanggung jawab yang besar," tambah Obama.

Obama mengatakan bahwa Pemerintah Libya telah mengonfirmasi ihwal kematian Khadafy dan dia telah menerima kabar tersebut.

"Hari ini, kita benar-benar bisa mengatakan bahwa rezim Khadafy telah usai," kata Obama.

Pada kesempatan ini, Obama juga mengimbau perlunya sebuah transisi yang tenang, yang diharapkan berjalan fair dan menunjukkan kebebasan dalam memilih.

Moammar Khadafy, seperti diberitakan Libya TV, meninggal akibat terluka parah saat ditangkap di kota kelahirannya, Sirte, pada Kamis (20/10/2011).

Pidato Presiden Obama "Momentous Day in The History of Libya."

Kronologi Saat khadafi Diserang


8.30am - French Aircraft attack the convoy in which Gaddafi is travelling at a roundabout two miles west of Sirte. 15 armed pick-up trucks are destroyed in the attack. A wounded Gaddafi, accompanied by a handful of loyal men seeks refuge in a nearby storm drain. NTC forces initially fire anti-airctraft guns before moving in on foot.

11.05am - NTC forces announce that the last remaining areas of Sirte have been captured and that fighters are searching homes and buildings looking for any remaning Gadhafi loyalists.

2.00pm - After a fire fight Gaddafi is discovered cowering in the storm drain.

2.30pm - A local man tells Reuters news agency he saw Gaddafi shot in the abdomen with a 9mm pistol

2.45pm - A pro-Gaddafi TV website denies that the former Libyan leader has been captured

2.56pm - Reuters report Gaddafi has died of wounds sustained during his capture

3.00pm - Celebrations across Libya at the news of Gaddafi's capture

3.44pm : Mobile phone image is released of a man who appears to be Gadadfi wearing blood soaked clothing with blood on his face

4:02pm - Al-Jazeera TV is airing shaky footage of a man resembling Gaddafi lying dead or badly wounded, bleeding from the head and stripped to the waist as fighters roll him over on the pavement.

4.31pm - AFP reports that Gaddafi's son Mutassim has been found dead in Sirte.

4.30pm - Libya's acting Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril appears on television to confirm the news that Gaddafi is dead.

4.56pm - Video appears of fighters brandishing a gold-plated handgun said to have been taken from Gaddafi

4.59pm - Al-Jazeera shows video of Gaddafi's body being dragged along the ground

5.25pm - Reports come in that Gaddafi's body has arrived in Misrata.

6.00pm - Reuters reports that according to an NTC commander Gaddafi's son has been killed

7.50 pm - Al Jazeera announces it has received unconfirmed reports that Gaddafi's son Saif is dead
Foto Jenazah Khadafi

Originally Posted by uncoolfacebigot View Post

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Spoiler for Khaddafi

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Spoiler for Mu'tasim

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Foto Rakyat Libya Merayakan Hari Kemerdekaan (V-day)


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